
Loving You Is Hurting Me

Letting go moving from broken to beautiful
5 steps t how to move forward and loving you.
2 women share how you can moved forward in finding self fulfillment after divorce and abandonment.

Stories of Motherhood and Lessons Taught
With motherhood comes many sacrifices.
The greatest sacrifice, most often, is to a women’s
identity. Each mother was first a woman with dreams,
goals, and desires.
Elaine is a featured author (along with Denise Hill,
Nadine Smiley, Shaniqua Cousins, and Adrienne
Somerville) in the book MY NAME IS MOMMY.
This book is a collection of stories from mothers of all walks of life sharing
lessons they have pulled from their personal experiences as mothers as well as
experiences with their own mothers.

Bonds & Breaks Of Sisterhood
These Women Share Their Experience on Bonds and Breaks of Sisterhood

Stepping Into My Purpose

Doing It Afraid
Powerful gripping stories that will inspire you to walk through the fires of life.

Boss Built! There's More In You!
This book will inspire you to move and think like a Boss. These unstoppable women share their stories of how they have taken a seat at the leadership table or created their own table despite the odds.